Thank you for your interest in officiating in the sport of swimming. The goal of any volunteer or official is to contribute to a fair, safe and positive environment. The official’s job is to uphold the rules by applying them in a fair and impartial manner and communicating their interpretation effectively. 

As an official, an individual must operate from a strong base. That base is made up of two factors:

  • The authority of the rulebook: Swimming Canada Rule Book

  • The basic philosophy that the officials conduct the competition in accordance with the rules.

New Officials

1. All officials must be 14 years of age and older 

2. To access the self-guided online e-modules or instructor-led virtual or in person clinics and officiate at sanctioned competitions, volunteers must register annually to become an active official each swim season (September 1 - August 31). Officials may request their Club Officials Coordinator (COA) to activate their account or complete this online form to initiate registration to have Swim Sask activate it for you.

  • Upon receipt of your intent to officiate form, Swim Sask will activate your official account in Swimming Canada’s Registration and Events Management System (REMS) (NOTE: This may take us up to 72 hours).

  • Once your club or Swim Sask activates your account, you will receive an auto-generated email from SportLomo with your login information for REMS.

3. Once you are a Registered Active Official, you can sign up to take clinics or e-modules through the Swimming Canada Learning Management System (LMS). To access the LMS, click “Login to LMS” on your REMS home screen. Once logged into the LMS, select “Status” or “Clinics” at the top of the screen to find the list of courses.

4. The first 2 clinics that an Official must take are:

  • Intro to Swimming Officiating (Timekeeper)

  • Safety Marshal

It will take approximately 60-90 minutes to complete both clinics listed above.

These courses are both self-guided online e-modules. Once you have completed this requirements, you are considered a Level 1 ‘Red Pin’ Official. See the Swimming Canada Certification Pathway for Officials (revised Nov 2024) for more information.

Additional Training

After an Official has taken the Intro to Officiating and Safety Marshall courses, they may complete the following clinics:

  • Chief Timekeeper (Self-guided online e-module)

  • Administration Desk (formerly known as Clerk of Course). This clinic is a self-guided online e-module.

  • Inspector of Turns and Judge of Stroke (Instructor-led virtual or in-person clinic). These 2 clinics are traditionally run together and takes approx 4 hours to complete both.

  • Starter (Instructor-led virtual or in-person clinic). Clinic Length: approx. 2 hours

  • Chief Judge Electronics, Chief Recorder, & Recorder (Instructor-led virtual or in-person clinic). Clinic Length: approx. 4 hours.

  • Meet Manager (Instructor-led virtual or in-person clinic). Clinic Length: approx. 4 hours.

  • Referee (by invitation only. An Instructor-led virtual or in-person clinic). Clinic Length: approx. 4.5 to 5 hours.

  • Para Swimming (self-guided online e-module).


Each meet is listed on the Swimming Canada Upcoming Meet List and will display the name and contact information for an Official Coordinator - that is who you reach out to. Some meet packages (found on the Meet List) will outline a process to sign up to volunteer. You can filter this list by province, year, and/or month.

Officials Certification Cards